content creator pain points

The rise of global social media platforms made it possible for anyone to garner attention and amass a large following.

A few different terms are used to describe those who have done so, but I use “influencer” and “content creator” interchangeably here, defined as anyone who:

- produces digital content consistently

- has a large and engaged following across one or more social media platforms

- has the potential to, or does, make money from converting attention or followers into customers (selling either their own products and/or someone else’s)

- is digitally native—meaning they didn’t have attention offline until they started creating content online

Sound like you?

Maybe your goal was always fame or perhaps you stumbled into celebrity unexpectedly. Maybe you’re still in your early days of creating content or maybe you’ve been blogging since ‘08. Regardless, if you’re a content creator in 2022 as defined by the above, you’re probably experiencing at least a few of the following pain points, feeling:

Burned out from the upkeep of consistently producing content to stay relevant.

Annoyed with the comments, attacks, and trolls you’re subjected to as part of the process.

Exhausted from working endlessly across several platforms/mediums/opportunities in order to piece together a livable income.

Stressed over having to learn how to run a small business in addition to maintaining a social media presence.

Lonely as an individual content creator and/or solo-entrepreneur.

Limited by the opportunities for income: creator funds, sponsored content, paywalls, affiliate marketing, brand partnerships, influencer marketing, etc.

Tired of being “niched” and not fully or adequately represented as the dynamic person you are.

Frustrated watching platforms grow increasingly rich from your creative contributions without sharing in any significant financial upside.

Powerless against platform policy changes and algorithm ambiguity that can suddenly affect your account, distribution, and reach.

Disheartened after realizing that the dream job of being an influencer isn’t actually all that it’s cracked up to be :(

Also sound like you?

You’re not alone. There are an estimated 50 million content creators driving the $104 billion dollar Creator Economy market size.

Despite being the driving force behind digital culture and capitalism, most content creators are unhappy and ultimately unsuccessful in monetizing their personal brands.

I’ve been thinking about the creator economy for over a decade and even considered the idea of becoming a content creator myself (20k on TikTok) until I realized I would share the same fate as those described above.

But I kept thinking about it, examining and re-examining the current landscape while learning and borrowing from the burgeoning web3 one.

Now, I’m confident that there is an alternative way for content creators to organize and operate within the creator economy that better captures and transfers the value that’s being lost today. A reality in which content creators can create meaningful content, generate income, and engage a following without taking on the risk or exhaustion that comes with the current system. A future where social media platforms shift from being “the center of the creator universe” into just another tool used for marketing and discoverability.

A new way.

I believe that there is an opportunity for content creators to group together under one brand with a unifying mission. Together, this group would produce meaningful projects, share in financial upside, and incentivize a combined community to engage in deeper, more connected ways than ever before.

Collaborate on meaningful work. Is there anything more fun than working alongside people you like in order to create something you believe in? In this new model, you would ideate and execute on ideas together, sharing the responsibility and risk as a unit instead of as an individual. You would distribute rewards and recognition for the success of a project, monetary or otherwise, to those who contributed to that success. You would put meaning and intention back into your work, with the ability to create longer-form content pieces instead of churning out quick and cheap bits. You could return to living your life first and thinking about social media second.

Leverage the benefits of working as a group instead of as an individual. Collective bargaining power, economies of scale, and the ability to acquire customers and build community together instead of relying on individual influence.

Incentivize an engaged community. The group would take all of their individual followings and combine them into one community. Then you could experiment with incentivization mechanisms like the ability for community members to invest in projects monetarily or earn rewards through activities. The community could inform product development, content ideas, or where the group should focus attention or effort next.

Distribute content and connect directly. No longer rely on centralized intermediaries and overactive algorithms. Make sure that when you produce a project that it’s received by those you intend to see it.

Interested in learning more?

Learn more about “xyz” here.

Are you a content creator? Click here.

Additional Data

The New Creator Manifesto surveyed content creators and found that:

93% say being a creator has introduced stresses that have “negatively impacted their lives,” with 45% saying they’ve experienced “big emotional lows.”

only 35% of all creators feel they’re earning a reasonable income and putting in an acceptable amount of time and effort.

65% of creators feel overworked and/or underpaid.

nearly 25% of all creators admit they have real doubts they’ll ever be able to reach their financial goals without burning out.

77% of creators worry about being dependent on social media platforms for their earnings.

Looking at these findings, it’s no wonder that 33% have felt anger, rage, or extreme frustration with major social media platforms as they navigate this uncertainty.

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