I would think that, in the last few years, far more video content has been created and (willingly) shared online versus written content?

A ton of text was created and shared online, initially in the form of websites and blogs, and then even more was generated year after year to satisfy Google and SEO.

ChatGPT has only been out for a few months, and already, as an early paid subscriber, I begin my “searches” with “him” rather than on Google. You quickly realize he’s a google but 10x better. Importantly, he also accelerates my learning. I have a question — he provides a succinct answer to my question and one that I can engage with and build upon.

Recently, I only use Google to find a person or a place (at often to get me to either). Products find me on TikTok/and IG, and I find my entertainment on them.

I haven’t yet cracked how to solve for community online, but I think virtual FaceTimes with Vision Pro will definitely improve the experience. And until then, people are mostly craving in-person community only a few years in a post-pandemic world.

So what does the future look like?

I believe that video content will become increasingly important data inputs to train AI.

UGC — an acronym many people still don’t know because User Generated Content is a nascent concept -

I desperately want to know what OpenAI is training Chat with because it matters. When I asked him the following he replied:

How I Got Here

A year ago, March 2022, I started thinking about what my future would look like if I were to leave Getty Images after its return to the public market in five months time.

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"Coaches" vs. "Psychotherapists"

I studied psychology in college, am a certified rape crisis counselor, and wanting to help people - especially women - has always been a core feature of my identity. Still, year-after-year, I talked myself out of pursuing a career in psychology as I watched the industry fumble to figure itself out.

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this is pretty cool (for me)

I stumbled upon a note I wrote in 2014, almost a decade ago when I was 22.

I remember writing this vision down unaware whether or not the current state of tech would allow for any of it (turns out it didn’t, not really, as crypto was (and still is) nascent). I describe a future vision where creators could get paid for their posts, one where it’s easier to curate and discover, democratize data and communication, and ensure authenticity and source truth.

Now, today, the technology exists to take what I wrote 8 years ago and make it a reality.

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why social tech

As long as I can remember, I’ve always been interested in:

  • technology and its future

  • humans and our future

  • good experience design

  • relationships

  • content creators and social tech platforms

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influencers vs creators

I’m working on an idea in the creator economy space and have thought a lot about who exactly I’m building for and realized that there are many different types of “content creators” and “influencers” with nuanced differences between them.

And although many share the same pain points, influencers and content creators who have amassed large digital followings tend to differ in how they build community, produce content, and make money.

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being friends with women

I was 28, recently single, and wanted a group of women to go out with here in new york.

I created a group chat with the loosely held purpose of “doing fun things together” and invited a few cool women that I knew but who didn’t know each other.

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misc notes

Tired of using inappropriate places to store random notes or thoughts (aka twitter, my poor iphone note’s app), so using here instead. Most recent at the top.

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be selfish with your time (career)

I’m a product person turned Chief of Staff and now an entrepreneur—but there’s more to that story.

I wasn’t one of those kids who knew what they wanted to be when they grew up and still didn’t know as I was graduating from Northwestern University. Since then, I’ve had 4 different jobs over the past 8 years.

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before being a mother

There are a few points in life that create a “before” and an “after.” Motherhood is one of them. The years before motherhood are sacred, they let women explore who they are and who they want to become.

Before having children, I spent my teenage years having sex and learning about my body, free from having to worry about an “after” as abortion was legal in my state.

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what I learned in my twenties

Today is my 30th birthday :)

For the last few months, I’ve been thinking about and writing down the most important things I learned in my twenties. Here’s the list (in no particular order):

Pleasure and happiness are not the same. Pleasure is a short-lived hit of dopamine: drinking, sex, fine dining, shopping, traveling, etc. Happiness is more a state of being. You won’t always feel happy, but you can feel good about how you choose to spend your time. Happiness is thinking positively despite the negative, it’s being genuinely appreciative and aware, it’s surrounding yourself with positive influences, and it’s making decisions that support your health over those that cause you harm.

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dear diary

Today is the last day I will spend in my twenties.

It’s a rainy morning which matches how I feel — reflective, calm, peaceful.

I’ve spent 2.5 years in this apartment, the longest I’ve stayed in the same place since I was 15 years old. Turns out spending time in one place lets you actually get to know it… and I grow more and more sentimental over my backyard with every passing spring. The process of watching the trees and plants slowly and then all at once wake up after a long sleep is a gentle reminder of how much change is possible in a short time.

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female content creators

In 2020 I started posting on TikTok and quickly amassed a following. I noticed a few other women in New York doing the same, all of whom were strangers, and asked if they wanted to get dinner together. There’s something special about sharing shared experiences and these women, at least online, seemed intelligent, funny, and thoughtful in their delivery. But who were these women outside of their niche? And did they have plans on turning this newfound attention into a full-time career? I had questions they agreed to help answer.

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learnings from leaders

I spent my twenties working for people in charge (3 CEOs and a GM). Here are some things I learned:

  • you have to lead with integrity first and foremost

  • there is often no playbook—there are many things even the best business schools can’t prepare you for

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fresh and lazy recipes

Food has always been tough for me. I never learned proper nutrition, especially for a woman with PCOS (which affects insulin), and I’m equally as lazy as I am busy. For me to eat healthily, I need meals that are high in protein, easy to crank out, and easy to clean up.

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