I would think that, in the last few years, far more video content has been created and (willingly) shared online versus written content?

A ton of text was created and shared online, initially in the form of websites and blogs, and then even more was generated year after year to satisfy Google and SEO.

ChatGPT has only been out for a few months, and already, as an early paid subscriber, I begin my “searches” with “him” rather than on Google. You quickly realize he’s a google but 10x better. Importantly, he also accelerates my learning. I have a question — he provides a succinct answer to my question and one that I can engage with and build upon.

Recently, I only use Google to find a person or a place (at often to get me to either). Products find me on TikTok/and IG, and I find my entertainment on them.

I haven’t yet cracked how to solve for community online, but I think virtual FaceTimes with Vision Pro will definitely improve the experience. And until then, people are mostly craving in-person community only a few years in a post-pandemic world.

So what does the future look like?

I believe that video content will become increasingly important data inputs to train AI.

UGC — an acronym many people still don’t know because User Generated Content is a nascent concept -

I desperately want to know what OpenAI is training Chat with because it matters. When I asked him the following he replied: