before being a mother

There are a few points in life that create a “before” and an “after.” Motherhood is one of them. The years before motherhood are sacred, they let women explore who they are and who they want to become.

Before having children, I spent my teenage years learning about my body, free from having to worry about an “after” because abortion was legal in my state.

Before having children, I spent my twenties experimenting, living in different cities, dating different men, and collecting as many different experiences as I could.

I’ve spent the last few years transitioning from child to adult, still maturing into the woman I need to be before so that I can be the mother I want to be after.

Because after having children, my bad habits will no longer just be my own.

After having children, the energy I once saved for myself will belong to someone else.

After having children, the decisions I make extend to others.

I’m not ready for the reality of after—I need more time in the before.

But if I should ever decide I’m ready to relinquish one reality for the other, it will be just that—a decision.

Without choice, women are forced to sacrifice the critical and formative years that allow for personal growth to occur before becoming mothers—which is the buried agenda behind the anti-choice party.

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