misc notes

this is an evolving list—most recent at the top

- “you don’t discover your life, you create it.”

- you know that rare breed of man who really, really loves sweets?

- it’s strange that we’ve long associated hearts💛with emotions when emotions are so clearly felt in the gut. When you’re excited/nervous, you get butterflies. Scared—a pit. Guilt—an ache. Shame—nauseous.

- the thought above made me realize that while I understand the correlation between the health of your microbiome and that of your mental health, I don’t actually understand why our guts have such a physical reaction to our perception of an external stimulus… (?)

- everyone should watch the “Victoria’s Secret: Angels and Demons” documentary on hulu about Les Wexner, the billionaire behind iconic brands like Victoria's Secret. It’s only 3 episodes and goes into just how deep and disgusting the relationship between Les and Jeffrey Epstein was (I had no idea). TLDR; Les enabled jeffery in building a global operation of sex trafficking underage girls. Not only did he bankroll it but he also gave jeffrey access to his private planes, his pieds-à-terre around the world, and even to Victoria's Secret, which jeff used as a front to lure girls in who aspired to model. It also covers the rise and fall of victoria's secret from a business perspective (which we all first-hand witnessed in the late 2010’s), as well as the brand’s role in the sexualization of young women in society, which grossely reflects the preferences and personalities of the men in charge at VS at the time (aka Les and Ed Razek).

- I come from a long line of angry women, or at very least, from my mom and her mother. I used to resent their anger and this anger I inherited until recently. Part of being a woman means having to fight for your right to exist, and part of being a woman means having to defend yourself, those you love, and the things you believe in. When Brett Kavanaugh was elected to the supreme court— I was angry. When the Me-Too movement exposed just how pervasive sexual assault was— I was angry. When holding the hands of women in the ER who had just been raped— I was angry. Anger is motivating, and it will keep boiling in us and spilling over for as long as women have to fight for and defend themselves. I know that the angry women in my family would have chosen to burn first than to ever go peacefully, as would I now, but I do hope my daughters and their daughters get to be a little less angry.

- I feel like a lot of the people who get married in their thirties versus their twenties do so because they needed more time. more time to emotionally mature, more time to be a person not in a relationship, or more time to become the person who’s able to enter a relationship with their cup also full. at least that’s been the case with me—I want and need more time. and thank god I can recognize it, because I’d rather be late to the party or never go at all than to show up as a bad guest, or worse, to bring one.

- I watched survivor for the first time recently and now am convinced I’d win because I’m equal parts likable and unlikeable

- it’s not about what you’ll “get” in life - it’s about how you’ll feel when you get it

- the more decentralized and remote the world and the role become, the more specialized you need to be

- with people still working at home to the extent they are, somewhere needs to solve for the social stimulus we’re no longer receiving from the workplace (hence the increase in pool memberships)

- if you're someone who is above average at a lot of things and importantly at new things (skills, jobs, sports, hobbies, etc), it’s hard to want to specialize

- CEOs are like coaches, responsible for having a deep knowledge of the sport (industry) and knowing what it takes to win games (corporate strategy). They stack their team roster with players (leadership) who they hope are better than the other team’s (competitors). There’s a finite amount of games in a season and each team wants to win as many games as possible (market share). The more games you win, the happier the league owners are (shareholders). Coaches can coach all they want but it’s ultimately up to the players to play a good game (execution). Fans (customers) have to want to watch the game being played (product). A whole new team can join the league, either replacing a team or changing the game altogether (disruption).
